Strelitzia nicolai

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Kék papagájvirág (Strelitzia nicolai) gondozása - A kék papagájvirág (Strelitzia nicolai) Dél-Afrika szubtrópusi területein őshonos nagyméretű évelő növény, mely akár 1,5 méteres leveleivel, valamint kék színű virágaival egyaránt díszít.. Papagájvirág (Strelitzia) gondozása - Részletes útmutató. A Strelitzia növénynemzetségbe mindössze 5 növényfaj tartozik, melyek Dél-Afrikában őshonosak. Az egzotikus külsejű papagájvirágok közül, a hazai kertészeti üzletek kínálatában a kék papagájvirág (Strelitzia nicolai), valamint a pompás papagájvirág (Strelitzia reginae) található meg leggyakrabban.. Strelitzia nicolai - Wikipedia. Strelitzia nicolai, commonly known as the wild banana or giant white bird of paradise, is a species of banana -like plants with erect woody stems reaching a height of 7-8 m (23-26 ft), and the clumps formed can spread as far as 3.5 m (11 ft).. Papagájvirág (Strelitzia) gondozása - Virágbarát. Latin neve: Strelitzia. Ismertebb fajtái: Strelitzia nicolai - fehér (kék) papagájvirág; Strelitzia reginae - pompás papagájvirág. Giant Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) - Gardenia. Grown primarily for its dramatic foliage, Strelitzia nicolai (Giant Bird of Paradise) brings a sensational tropical accent to the garden or in a sunny interior room

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. This massive evergreen treelike perennial forms huge clumps of erect or curving woody stems that can reach 30 feet in height (9 m).. Strelitzia Papagájvirág - Szaporítás termesztés fajták. Fehér papagájvirág - Strelitzia nicolai. Strelitzia nicolai - Fehér papagájvirág. 8 méter magas banánhoz hasonló levelű örökzöld, több törzset nevelő fa. Virága vad banán tipusú 50 cm hosszú. Az egész virág hasonlít egy madár fejére - fehér bóbita és bíborvörös csőr. A virág nyár elején nyílik, igen terjedelmes.. Strelitzia Nicolai Care — A Personal Observation! - Plantophiles. Learn how to grow and care for Strelitzia nicolai, a white-flowered tropical shrub also known as Giant Bird of Paradise or Wild Banana Tree. Find out about soil, water, light, temperature, humidity, fertilizer, and propagation tips.. Strelitzia Nicolai 101; Growth, Light, Watering, Fertilizing, Repotting .. Strelitzia Nicolai, also known as Giant White Bird of Paradise, or even Wild Banana, is native to the evergreen coastal forests of Eastern South Africa. It is also considered native to Mozambique, Botswana and Zimbabwe. It is naturalized in Eastern Mexico. This plant is widely sold as indoor plant, but it rarely produces flowers indoors.. Strelitzia nicolai | PlantZAfrica - SANBI. Learn about the Natal wild banana, a tall evergreen tree with giant feather-like leaves and blue-purple flowers. Find out its distribution, ecology, uses, and how to grow it in your garden.. Complete guide to strelitzia nicolai care | Patch Plants. Learn how to grow and care for a strelitzia nicolai, a tropical plant with large leaves and white flowers. Find out about watering, light, humidity, fertiliser, soil, pruning and propagation tips.

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. Papagájvirág (Strelitzia) ültetése, gondozása, szaporítása, betegségei .. A Strelitzia reginae hatalmas, élénk színű virágokat hoz létre, amelyek a madártollakra emlékeztetnek. Ezenkívül a Strelitzia nicolai ismert, amelyet „fehér Papagájvirág" néven is emlegetnek. Ez a fajta magasabb növénymérettel rendelkezik, mint a Strelitzia reginae, és nagy, fehér virágokat hoz létre.. Strelitzia nicolai|white bird of paradise/RHS Gardening. Strelitzia nicolai. white bird of paradise. A very large, evergreen perennial, with oblong, grey-green leaf blades up to 1.5m long on 2m long leaf stalks. In spring it produces blue and white flowers, opening in succession, from blackish, beak-like spathes. Kék papagájvirág - Strelitzia Nicolai 10L-es konténerben 29.995 Ft

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. Cikkszám: S624. A termék bolti átvétellel rendelhető! utolsó darabok. Baumstrelitzie (Strelitzia nicolai) pflanzen und pflegen - Mein schöner .. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die exotische Baumstrelitzie (Strelitzia nicolai) im Kübel oder im Wintergarten kultivieren. Lesen Sie Tipps zu Standort, Substrat, Gießen, Düngen, Umtopfen, Schneiden und Vermehrung.. Strelitzia Nicolai Care: Giant White Bird of Paradise | Plantly. The white bird comes from South Africa; it is a tropical shrub and does well in warm temperatures. The ideal temperature to keep your paradise flower is in full sun with temperatures between 65℉ and 80℉ (18℃ and 27℃) with part shade. These shrubs are hardy, but cold temperatures can cause unfavorable conditions.. Strelitzia Nicolai: Heres How You Can Take Care of It. Learn how to grow and care for Strelitzia Nicolai, a low-maintenance plant with exotic flowers


Find out about light, water, temperature, humidity, fertilizer, soil, pot, pruning, and common problems.. Oiseau du paradis blanc, Strelitzia nicolai : planter, cultiver, multiplier. Strelitzia nicolai est une plante vivace herbacée originaire dAfrique du Sud, qui produit des fleurs blanches et bleues ressemblant à des oiseaux. Découvrez comment la planter, la cultiver et la multiplier en pot ou en pleine terre.. Strelitzia Nicolai Grow and Care Guide - AGT - Aussie Green Thumb. Sometimes referred to as the banana plant, the Strelitzia Nicolai is a multi-stemmed tree, with large fan-like leaves and produces stunning, boat-shaped flower bracts with protruding white petals. While this variety develops slightly darker leaves, it is still a fantastic choice for gardens.. Plant 101: Strelitzia Nicolai - Giant White Bird of Paradise. Strelitzia Nicolai, the magnificent giant white bird of paradise, has found a special place in my heart and home, thanks to the inspiration and guidance of my experienced gardener husband


In this article, Ill share my personal journey and experiences with this incredible plant, covering its characteristics, care, frequently asked questions .. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia): Plant Guide - BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Strelitzia nicolai - also known as the giant white bird of paradise, with white and midnight blue flowers and emerald green leaves. A very large plant. A very large plant. Height x Spread: 10m x 3.5m. Bird of Paradise: Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce. Learn how to grow bird of paradise (Strelitzia nicolai), a tropical plant that resembles a bird and blooms with white flowers. Find out about its care, types, pruning, propagation, and more.. Strelitzia nicolai • Verzorging & info • MijnPlant. Kamerplanten » Strelitzia » Strelitzia nicolai. Strelitzia nicolai is verreweg de meest bekende Strelitzia soort. De plant vindt haar oorsprong in Zuid-Afrika. Met haar grote, brede, groene bladeren en dikke stelen is het een echte blikvanger. De plant is uitermate geschikt voor een tropische sfeer in huis. Het helpt ook zeker dat deze plant .. Strelitzia Nicolai: cuidados para que esté sana y fuerte | Blog Colvin. Aprende cómo cuidar la Strelitzia Nicolai, una planta exótica que florece de color púrpura y naranja

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. Descubre sus necesidades de luz, riego, temperatura, abono y sustrato, y sus tips para que pegue el estirón.. Different Types of Bird of Paradise Plants | Gardeners Path. The Five Strelitzia Species. This striking plant is part of the Strelitziaceae family and there are five main species in the Strelitzia genus. Some make perfect potted plants, like the relatively short S. juncea and S. reginae


Others, like S. nicolai, are a massive, impactful piece of landscaping at well-known theme parks like Disneyland. The five species are:. How to care for a Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia) - Plant care for Beginners. The Bird of Paradise, also known as Strelitzia reginae, Strelizia nicolai, or just Strelitzia is a fast-growing tropical plant that gets big. Its a houseplant that you need to have space for because its too large for smaller houses. It can get as big as 1.80m (6ft) tall and 1.20m (4ft) wide.. Strelitzia nicolai|white bird of paradise/RHS Gardening. Strelitzia nicolai. white bird of paradise. A very large, evergreen perennial, with oblong, grey-green leaf blades up to 1.5m long on 2m long leaf stalks. In spring it produces blue and white flowers, opening in succession, from blackish, beak-like spathes. Bird of paradise (Strelitzia) Propagation - Strelitzia (Nicolai or Reginae) Knife; Disinfectant; Old towel; Glass, vase(s) or mug with water; Optional: cutting powder; Propagating a Bird of Paradise in 4 steps. Step 1: Disinfect. First clean the knife you might be using. Keep the knife under hot water and clean them well. This prevents you from unnecessarily transferring bacteria during .. White Bird of Paradise Care: How To Grow Strelitzia Nicolai [UPDATED]. Strelitzia nicolai - Pronounced: stre-LIT-see-uh NICK-oh-lye. Although it is not as well known as the more popular orange Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae). It is commonly known as the "White Bird of Paradise tree" and has grown in popularity for indoor use over the last 30 years.. White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia alba) - Gardenia. Strelitzia alba (White Bird of Paradise) is a tender, multi-stemmed, evergreen perennial forming a dense clump of huge, up to 6 ft. long (180 cm), long-stalked, oblong, gray-green leaves. The leaves tear in the wind and come to resemble giant feathers. The older stems are woody with leaf scars and often have suckers at the base.. Strelitzia nicolai | Giant Bird of Paradise | Nurseries Online. Strelitzia nicolai are the Giant Bird of Paradise plant, reaching up to 10m, native to South Africa. These are really a great plant in any tropical themed garden if you have the room

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. In Australia Strelitzia nicolai will grow as far south as Melbourne the main requirement being a frost free position. They have the same large bird like .. Strelitzia reginae - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Strelitzia Species: reginae Family: Strelitziaceae Life Cycle: Perennial Country Or Region Of Origin: South Africa Dimensions: Height: 3 ft. 0 in. - 4 ft. 0 in. Width: 3 ft. 0 in. - 4 ft. 0 in. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Houseplant Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Broadleaf Evergreen Habit/Form: Clumping. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) - Gardenia. Bird of paradise, or Strelitzia reginae, is a unique and eye-catching plant that can add a touch of the tropics to any garden. Here are some ideas on how to use bird of paradise in your garden: Focal point: The striking flowers make it a great choice for a focal point in the garden. Plant it as a stand-alone specimen plant or in a group to .. White Bird of Paradise Care and Grow Guide. The Strelitzia Nicolai can tolerate most soils in various environmental conditions, including sandy, clay, loamy, slightly alkaline, and acidic with the exception of wet or soggy soil. When planting outdoors, add organic peat humus, cow manure, or topsoil to the hole you have prepared. Do not mulch near the base of the plant to prevent excess .. Bird of Paradise | Strelitzia Nicolai | Houseplants | The Stem. FREE scheduled deliveries on orders over £50. Description. Strelitzia nicolai or the White Bird of Paradise houseplant is a lush tropical indoor plant with large, deep-green, paddle-shaped leaves. These stunning houseplants work best as architectural centrepieces in bedrooms, bathrooms or living rooms, where you can admire them in all their glory.. PlantFiles: The Largest Plant Identification Reference Guide - Daves .. Strelitzia nicolai. Upload Image Print Version View Gallery 72 photos. Upload Image Print Version Genus Strelitzia (stre-LITZ-ee-uh) Info. Species nicolai (NIK-oh-ly) Info. Synonym Strelitzia alba subsp. nicolai .. Bird of Paradise- Giant - Strelitzia nicolai - Coast Palms & Cycads. Strelitzia nicolai. The Giant Bird of Paradise is a stunning and hardy perennial with a strong architectural shape. A large, evergreen, paddle-leaf shaped perennial which produces white and pale blue bird shaped flowers sitting in a dark purple- black bract. These can take a surprising amount of wind before the leaves will start shredding .. Strelitzia Nicolai | Verzorging, tips & weetjes - Plantabit. De Strelitzia Nicolai, ook wel bekend als de Grote Paradijsvogelplant, is een indrukwekkende en opvallende plant die origineel afkomstig is uit Zuid-Afrika.Met zijn grote bladeren en prachtige bloemen die op vogels lijken, is de Strelitzia Nicolai een populaire keuze voor huizen en tuinen over de hele wereld. Het verzorgen van de Strelitzia Nicolai is een leuke en relatief eenvoudige taak.. Strelitzia Nicolai | White Bird Of Paradise | Wild Banana Plant .. Il semblerait que vous êtes en France. Nicolau our Strelitzia Nicolai is the perfect easy care indoor houseplant for your home

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. Learn more about the White Bird Of Paradise, buy online from Patch and get delivered to your door.. Strelitzia nicolai (Giant white bird of paradise) - Planting Man

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. Strelitzia Nicolai (Giant white bird of paradise) is an ornamental house plant

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. It is a trunk forming, clustering tree to 6m high with banana-like shiny green leathery leaves, having an obtuse base arranged in two ranks. The inflorescence is composed of a dark blue bract, white sepals and a bluish-purple tongue.. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia): Care and Indoor Plant Growing Guide. From the five species of Strelitzia, two are popular houseplants.These are Strelitzia reginae and Strelitzia nicolai.Here are more descriptions of these unusually-looking flowering plants. White bird of paradise (Strelitzia alba)—This tropical flowering plant has large foliage and white flowers.Crane lily (Strelitzia reginae)—The most elegant of the Strelitzia varieties—hence the name .. Strelitzia nicolai | The Palm Centre | Winter Sale. From £ 43.95 £ 32.96. An iconic plant with a striking architectural form, Strelitzia nicolai, or the Giant Bird of Paradise, is a banana-like evergreen perennial that is perfect as a statement plant for sunny interiors. Strelitzia nicolai differs from Strelitzia reginae in its larger size, and its magnificent flowers which appear in .. Growing Strelitzia Nicolai: Tips and Tricks - Brisbane Plant Nursery. Strelitzia Nicolai, also known as Giant White Bird of Paradise, is a stunning tropical plant that makes a striking statement in any garden or indoor space.However, growing and maintaining this beautiful plant can be challenging without proper care. In this blog post, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to grow Strelitzia Nicolai successfully.. Strelitzia nicolai veľká | Izbové rastliny - Strelitzia nicolai veľká. Strelitzia nicolai je majestátna rastlina, ktorá svojimi veľkými zelenými listami efektne zazelená prázdny roh miestnosti. Skvelo sa jej darí na slnečných miestach. Vďaka dostatku svetla dokáže dorásť do naozaj veľkých rozmerov. zalievať ju tak, aby bola pôda stále mierne vlhká. obľubuje .. Strelitzia nicolai: A Plant Care Guide - The Plant Runner. For a fast growing, big foliage plant like the Strelitzia Nicolai, a high nitrogen liquid fertiliser is best. While actively growing, fertilising can be done on a fortnightly basis and if your plant slows down its growth over Winter then consider using an organic slow release fertiliser.. Bird of Paradise, Strelitzia reginae - Wisconsin Horticulture. Strelitzia reginae. A bird of paradise flower at dusk. Bird of paradise ( Strelitzia reginae) is a dramatic plant with distinctive iridescent orange and midnight blue flowers that resemble an exotic bird peeking out from the broad leaves in autumn, winter and spring. Although this flower is often associated with tropical places, like Hawaii .. Strelitzia (paradisfugl) | Sådan passer du Strelizia | Plantorama. Strelitzia Nicolai Strelitzia Nicolai, på dansk Hvid paradisfugl, er opkaldt efter Nikolaj 1. af Rusland (1796 - 1855), der var russisk zar og konge af Polen.Den danske betegnelse er kommet af samme årsag som ved artssøsteren Strelitzia Reginae - på denne plante er blomsterne dog hvide.. FULL GUIDE: White Bird of Paradise Care (Strelitzia Nicolai) + FAQ

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. The white bird of paradise plant (Strelitzia Nicolai) belongs to the bird of paradise plant species. The white bird of paradise is native to South Africa but has also been grown in Florida, California, and other locations. Botanist refers to it as the queen of the indoor plant world and the giant bird plant grows up to 7-8 feet tall.. Strelitzia reginae - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden. Strelitzia reginae, called bird of paradise, is probably one of the most well-known plants in the world. It is a bold structural plant, which forms large evergreen clumps of stiff leaves growing up from the base. The grey-green banana-like leaves grow about 3 ½ to 4 feet in height and the flowers stand above the foliage at the tips of long .. How to Care for Your Strelitzia Nicolai: A Comprehensive Guide to .. Discover the beauty and care requirements of the Strelitzia Nicolai, also known as the Giant White Bird of Paradise. Learn how to properly care for this stunning house plant, including lighting, temperature, watering, and fertilization needs. Explore propagation methods and troubleshoot common issues to ensure long-term plant health. Start your indoor jungle with the captivating Strelitzia .. NParks | Strelitzia nicolai - National Parks Board. Description and Ethnobotany. Fan-shaped crown, can reach between 6-8m in height, erect woody stem up to 0.5m wide. The herbaceous plant forms large clumps from the base where new shoots are produced. Leaves simple, elliptic, up to 2m long. Leaves are banana-like, long petioles tightly packed. Single main vein with multiple perpendicular lateral .. ストレリチア・ニコライ | Strelitzia nicolai | かぎけん花図鑑. ストレリチア・ニコライ(学名:Strelitzia nicolai)は、南アフリカ原産で、バショウ科ストレリチア属の大型常緑多年草です。元々は草本性ですが、永年栽培されて基部が木質化しました。ゴクラクチョウカ(極楽鳥花(ストレリチア・レギナエ、学名:Strelitzia reginae)と似た咲かせますが、花や .. Growing Conditions For Bird Of Paradise Flowers - Gardening Know How. Strelitzia reginae, also known as crane flower, is native to South Africa and derives its name from the unusual flower stalks, which resemble brightly colored birds in flight. Temperature. Bird of paradise plants do not do well in the cold, though they are able to tolerate brief periods of temperatures as low as 24 F (-4.5 C). They grow best in .. Strelitzia nicolai - jak uprawiam swoją strelicję - YouTube. Zapraszam na odcinek, w którym opowiadam o uprawie strelicji nicolai, przy okazji mówię też.o strelicji królewskiej - strelitzia reginae oraz pielgrzanie mad.. Birds of Paradise- the Strelitzias - Daves Garden. Strelitzia nicolai, the giant bird of paradise, is the second most commonly grown species and is a much larger plant than Strelitzia reginae, growing up to 30 feet tall and eventually growing into a massive shrub up to 20 feet in diameter.. Strelitzia ¡Una planta exótica de cuidados fáciles! - En Abril Hojas Mil. El género Strelitzia está formado por 4 especies: Strelitzia augusta, Strelitzia reginae, Strelitzia nicolai y Strelitzia juncea (bueno, y lo mismo me dejo alguna, pero éstas son las más comunes). Si te haces un lío, tranquil@, ¡a mi también me pasa! Hay varios matices que las diferencian, pero te voy a explicar las más importantes para .. Bird-of-paradise (Plant) | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants. Giant bird-of-paradise. Strelitzia nicolai. This is a much larger plant than Strelitzia reginae, forming huge clumps of stems that can reach 30 feet in height in mature, well-established plants. Its flowers are different as well: the crown of sepals is white or faintly pink, with a blue "tongue" of petals, arising from a dark purplish black .. Buy Strelitzia Nicolai, White Bird of Paradise Plant Online - PlantVine. Common Names: White Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower. Overview: If you wish to give your house garden an exotic feel, the banana-like leaves of Strelitzia Nicolia will make a great addition to your home. In Southern Africa, the plant grows up to 20 tall. However, outside its native habitat, the plant easily adjusts to a height of 3 to 8.. Strelitzia nicolai - Tula House. Botanical Name — Strelitzia nicolai Common Name — giant white bird of paradise, crane flower Plant Family — Strelitziaceae Background Strelitzia nicolai is a large, lush plant native to the tropical regions of South Africa. This species is the largest in the genus, capable of reaching up to 10 meters in height. Plant.. Strelitzia Nicolai 101: How To Grow Birds of Paradise Indoors. The giant bird of paradise (Strelitzia nicolai), also called wild banana, is a large and striking plant of warm gardens - but in recent years it has become a popular indoor decorative flourish, too.As it isnt really at home inside, growing it successfully indoors is a big challenge. Flower Powers expert garden people always recommend that these plants be grown outdoors.. ENH79/MG106: Bird-of-Paradise. Bird-of-paradise or crane flower (Strelitzia reginae) is a native of South Africa and is closely related to the banana. The herbaceous plant derives its common names from the unique flower it bears, which resembles a brightly colored bird in flight (Figure 1). S. nicolai (white or giant bird-of-paradise) grows to 15-30 feet and has large .. Strelitzia nicolai: ingrijire | Proprietati ornamentale: Strelitzia nicolai este o planta perena cu aspect de tufa, care poate ajunge la inaltimi de 150-180 cm. Strelitzia nicolai este cultivata ca planta de apartament decorativa prin frunze si flori (in mediul natural, Vezi fig.), cu crestere compacta si erecta. Frunzele sunt de forma oval-alungita si culoare verde intens.. Strelitzia nicolai - Benara Nurseries


Strelitzia nicolai will add a definite tropical-paradise feel to any garden or landscape. An ideal feature plant in the garden bed or large containers. Plant in an area of full sun to part shade, with well drained soil. Strelitzia nicolai is relatively low maintenance. Keep soils moist during the growing season, and through extended hot periods.. How To Divide Bird Of Paradise Plant Strelitzia Nicolai - YouTube. Today I will show you how to divide Bird of Paradise plant and make multiple arrangements after. Bird of Paradise plants can be divided if:- you wish to hav.. How to Split a Giant White Bird of Paradise Plant | Hunker. Growing up to 30 feet tall and 10 feet wide, the white bird of paradise ( Strelitzia nicolai , USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11) commands a large, exotic presence in the landscape. Its sure to add tropical flair to any location with its beefy clumps of tall green stalks topped with long, bananalike leaves and striking blue and white blooms shaped like a birds head.. FPS-563/FP563: Strelitizia reginae Bird of Paradise. General Information Scientific name: Strelitzia reginae Pronunciation: strell-LITZ-zee-uh ree-JIN-nee Common name(s): bird of paradise Family: Strelitziaceae Plant type: herbaceous USDA hardiness zones: 10 through 11 (Figure 2) Planting month for zone 10 and 11: year round Origin: not native to North America Uses: mass planting; specimen; container or above-ground planter; accent. Strelitzia nicolai (Giant White Bird of Paradise) - Bamboo Land. STRNIC400. Barcode. 101789965455. Shipping Weight. 16.0000kg. Strelitzia nicolai (Giant White Bird of Paradise) - The Nicolai is the large form of the common Bird of Paradise. Nicolai wil grow to about 6m tall, and is very hardy and reasonably drought tolerant. Great as a two-storey screening plant in suburban gardens.. Strelitzia reginae Mandelas Gold (Bird of Paradise) - Gardenia. Prized for its exotic flowers, Strelitzia reginae Mandelas Gold (Bird of Paradise) is an evergreen perennial forming a clump of large, broadly oval, long-stalked, gray-green leaves, which arise from an underground stem (rhizome). Strelitzia nicolai (Giant Bird of Paradise) Add to Collection . Add to Any Collection My Collection.. Strelitzia reginae | PlantZAfrica - SANBI. S. nicolai; S. caudata; Strelizia reginae subsp. mzimvubuensis is another subspecies of S.reginae. Strelitiz reginae Mandelas Gold is a form with yellow flowers. Strelitzia reginae was chosen as the very first Plant of the Week when this series began in July 2000 as the flower forms part of the Institutes logo.. 5 Bird of Paradise Varieties (With Distinguishing Features). Strelitzia reginae mzimvubuensis. This subspecies of the well-known Strelitzia reginae is a garden favorite and the worlds best-cut flower. They are evergreen shrubs that can grow 5 feet (1.5 m) tall and 6.5feet (2 m) in diameter. The roots are fleshy and can grow up to .08 inches (20 mm) in diameter.. Strelitzia reginae|bird of paradise/RHS Gardening. Cultivation. Under glass grow in loam-based compost, in a large container, in full light with shade from hot sun. During growth, water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly. Top dress annually and repot every second year. Water sparingly in winter and ventilate when temperatures exceed 20°C.

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. Strelitzia alba (White Bird of Paradise). Description. Strelitzia alba is a frost-sensitive clump-forming perennial that grows up to 33 feet (10 m) tall. Leaves are up to 6.6 feet (2 m) long and up to 2 feet (60 cm) wide. They are often tattered by strong winds or hail. Flowers are completely white and lack the blue color found in other species and appear at any time of the year but ..